For every $60 and $120 you spend, you’ll earn an exclusive Sale-A-Bration item for FREE! Depending on the amount you spend, you’ll be able to mix and match the Sale-A-Bration items you earn, and we have a stunning variety of stamp sets and Designer Series Paper for you to choose from! Shop now through February 28.
CURRENT SPECIALS Place a $ 40 order (before tax & shipping) using my current host code XRF4UF4A I will send you a free gift. It could be a pack of dimensionals, Tombow glue, embellishment, or ribbon. If your order is $ 150 or more, do NOT use my host code, but get the Rewards for yourself. I'll still send you a free gift.
Note: When you check out, please do not choose "do not contact", or I will not have your address to send you your free gifts. I promise, I will not share your information to anyone, and if you are included in my email list, I always send the emails out as "blind copy", so your email is not shared with anyone on the list. Your privacy is important to me, and I will always respect it. If you are unable to place an order directly at my online store, please contact me and I can place your order for you and still enter you into my specials.
Contact Me
To inquire about products, services, or to simply ask a question, please use the form below to contact me.